Arkansas has quite a few deliverance ministries available to the public. If you are in need of Deliverance ministry, the list below can help you find one that will meet your individual needs. This collection of links has come from our research, and we are sure it’s not exhaustive.

We also offer Deliverance Coaching. If you are interested in getting help, please email us at We can also help you find some excellent online deliverance ministers.

Steps to Finding Deliverance

  1. Start by researching ministries from our list.  Deliverance ministries are not always easy to find.  Finding the right fit for you may be difficult. But, don’t give up.
  2. Fully research the deliverance minister that you have chosen.  Ask how long they have been ministering; possibly even inquire if you can speak to a referral.
  3. Some ministers will work with you one on one, some only work with big groups of people, or minister to a few at a time. We have found that one on one is vastly better, but also comes at a cost. I know first hand that online calls over Skype can produce great results.  The group therapy is great for some people, but others may find it rather confusing as it’s many people with different needs, wanting help all at once.
  4. You might consider choosing SOZO, which is a much different experience. The Sozo person takes you through a relaxing Spirit-led session; trying to find doorways or legal rights. We recommend contacting a Sozo counselor to see if that process is something for you.
  5. After choosing a minister that best meets your needs, contact and schedule an appointment.
  6. After your deliverance, the hope is that the enemy does not return. Also, the hope is that all of the evil spirits came out during your session.  Deliverance can be an ongoing process and doesn’t regularly happen the first time. The truth is, it could take some time to feel yourself once again.  If that is the case, it’s best to get prolonged coaching.
  7. As someone getting delivered, it’s important that you groom yourself as a soldier so that if evil spirits return  you are well prepared to handle it. The more you are able to take back your land by yourself the better off you will be. I believe that you have to grow in the strength of our Lord if you are going to keep your deliverance. However, you also could be one of the lucky few that it all comes out in the first session and nothing comes back. I truly hope that is the case. I wish you the best of luck and God Bless.

Online Deliverance Ministries

Online Deliverance Ministries

Little Rock Deliverance Ministries

Fayetteville Deliverance Ministries