There are a lot of deliverance ministry choices in the state of Colorado. Deliverance is not something to jump into quickly and you must be careful in choosing the correct deliverance minister to meet your individual needs. Steps to finding and getting deliverance The first step to experiencing deliverance is finding a minister that is right for you. You want a minister who has performed many deliverance’s and will be comfortable if there are any manifestations. We encourage you to vet your deliverance minister as well as you can. We have completed a great deal of research but haven’t fully examined the list below, so its up to you to find out what you can about the ministry you want to attend. Once you’ve found the right person, schedule an appointment and hope and pray for the best. Rest assured, it’s really all about what the Holy Spirit wants to do. The minister is just His instrument. Sometimes there is a miraculous deliverance and manifestations take place, demons flee, and you are cured. At other times, the spirit is stubborn and won’t come out. Please understand that sometimes it will take many sessions to achieve complete healing. From personal experience I can tell you that online Skype sessions work. I have personally been delivered via Skype and it worked incredibly well. I believe that if you still haven’t realized deliverance, it might be helpful to hire a deliverance coach. We provide that service at Also, you need to train to be a warrior. Train to make sure that if anything comes your way you are ready to handle it. As Christians, we are commanded to wear our spiritual armor, use the sword of the spirit, endure hardness as a good soldier, fight the enemy and defeat him by the blood and the name of Jesus Christ. Sometimes Jesus has plans to teach us how to be soldiers for him. It’s a hard path offering great rewards! Online Deliverance Ministries Online Deliverance Ministries Colorado Springs Deliverance Ministry Colorado springs has three deliverance ministries, two are regular deliverance ministries and one is Sozo. Look into both types to see what is a good fit for you. Fort Collins Deliverance Ministry Aurora Deliverance Ministry Denver Deliverance Ministry Castle Rock Deliverance Ministry Lakewood Deliverance Ministry Share this:Tweet