Florida has many Deliverance Ministries to choose from. The list below are the ministries we could find through research and searching the Internet. We have not been able to vet any of these ministries, so it’s crucial that you do that for yourself.

When trying to find a deliverance ministry that will fit for you, you have two options: Sozo and regular deliverance. Regular deliverance is merely praying over someone, repenting of sins, rebuking the enemy and setting them free.

Sozo is different in that they calmly take you through repentance and guide you into deliverance. Usually, Sozo sessions are about 1-2 hours. I have tried Sozo, and it didn’t seem to work for me, but everyone is different.

We also offer deliverance coaching. We do our best to strengthen you, help grow roots, and find a way for you to overcome through self-deliverance. You might get delivered, but if evil finds an opening, it can sometimes find a way back in.  That’s why becoming strong in the Lord Jesus is essential.

“I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.”   Philippians 4:13 KJV

“Endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus, knowing that he that warreth does not entangle himself with the things of this life.”    2 Timothy 2:3-5 KJV.

Strengthen yourself and ready yourself for combat.

Paul says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”   Ephesians 6:12

We wrestle against the enemy, but we have all the tools to take them on and to be successful by the name and blood of Jesus Christ. You are to use the armor of God and the Sword of the Spirit.  Start memorizing Bible verses so that when you need them you can fight the enemy and win!

The word says, “The word is active and effective, sharper then any two edge sword. It penetrates and divides Soul and spirit, Joints and Marrow. It reflects the thoughts of the heart.”

Steps to Deliverance

  1. Find and vet the minister you wish to work with.  It’s Important that you trust in the person helping you.
  2. Go and get delivered.  With a little luck, all the demons will be cast out and you will be set free.
  3. Keep your deliverance with scripture and prayer.
  4. Consider deliverance coaching.  You can contact us at biggerfaither@gmail.com.
  5. If your deliverance fails, don’t allow yourself to despair.  Despair is very dangerous. You must always grab ahold of hope and keep it close to you. The enemy will try every which way to take apart your armor, so it’s important that you keep it on and not allow them to undermine a single piece.

We wish you luck our beloved brethren.  I hope everything goes well.  Trust in Jesus he will take you through the storm.

Online Deliverance Ministries

Online Deliverance Ministries

Boca Raton Deliverance Ministries

Online Deliverance Ministries


Clear Water Deliverance Ministries


Dania Beach Deliverance Ministries


Bunnell Deliverance Ministries


Jacksonville Deliverance Ministries


Orlando Deliverance Ministries


If we are missing a ministry and you would like to add one or report one email us at Biggerfaither@gmail.com.