I am going once again through a dark vallely

I am going once again through a dark vallely

Posted on 14/12/ 2020 By Anonymous

My dear brothers and sisters

I am going once again through a dark valley of fear, anxiety, panic attacks, doubts about my salvation, self-condemnation, you name it. Very, very exhausting, I am sure many of you can relate.

I am asking once again for your valued prayer support. I know the prayers of the children of God avail much.

Please feel free to send in your prayer requests too. We need each other!

God be with you all dear fellow believers and have a very blessed week!

C.  R.



at 20:23

Hi my brother, I know what you’re going through. I get attacked By demons. It’s painful, difficult, and scary. It’s hard to understand why Jesus is allowing it. He can after all stop anything and everything. There’s scripture like, behold I give you s power to tread Upon serpents and scorpions and over very evil power and nothing shall by any means hurt you. But I try to step into that and it doesn’t take everything away. And I get upset. Today I woke up and for some reason I thought it might be over today, and then the attacks started again. I’m a Catholic, Catholics get a pretty bad rap, they are fairly badly understood. There are two prominent saints, one is sr. Faustina, one is padre pio. Faustina suffered constantly, and learned to love to suffer for Jesus. She said that you can know how much Jesus loves you by what he has you suffer. Read her diary it’s such a beautiful writing. Makes me remember how good Jesus is in trials. Padre pio said the same thing. You will know the how much Jesus loves you by the afflictions he sends upon you. If Jesus wants us to be like him, then maybe he wants us to share in his suffering. For instance... we glorify in our sufferings, because suffering brings endurance, endurance, experience, and experience hope and that hope will not be put to shame. It’s a faithful saying that if we die with him we live in him, if we suffer with him we will reign in him. Jesus said fear is useless what’s needed is trust. Amen amen I say to you unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground it remains a grain of wheat, but if it falls to the ground it produces much fruit. He who loves his life will lose it but he who hates his life will save it to eater all life. He who does not pick up his cross and come after me is not worthy of me. As for you every hair on your head is counted, so worry nothing! He who sees the son of man and believes on him has eternal life and I’ll lift him up on the last day. With all my pain and the voices and all the garbage that happens me all day everyday it’s hard to retain faith. Here’s one of my favorites.. We are not of those that fall back into perdition but of those that go forward in faith to the saving of the soul. It just doesn’t pay to lose faith, always hold it in front of you, your shield of faith, and fall back on scripture. It will all pass and you’ll get through to the next day of suffering. Man I dream of that day for you and for me. There’s no giving up... just move forward and love Jesus as much as he allows you to. I know it doesn’t help, but we are either going to heaven or hell, doesn’t it make sense to spend our time here expecting to go to heaven and doing our best to live victorious? Thinking we will go to hell is senseless. It just doesn’t help you at all. In the diary of st.faustina, Jesus tells her that his mercy should be worshipped. That it’s endless. That anyone asking for his mercy receives it. Whoever trusts in his mercy receives it. His mercy overcomes everything. It always helps me to know that. My sins no Matter how bad and horrific they are (I hate sin) get washed away in his forgiveness and mercy. He’s so huge! We can’t fathom him. Trust in him. He loves you and I no matter so much, no matter how broken we are. Love you. Jon

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