If you live in Kansas and you are looking for Deliverance, you’ve come to the right place.  We have put together a list of ministries that can help you seek and find deliverance.

Just as an FYI, we have not vetted any of these ministries. We merely found them while investigating ministries through research and Internet searches. It is your job to vet them to make sure they are a good fit for your individual needs.

If this is your first time and you are in need of deliverance, we can give you a pretty quick explanation about what you can expect.

  1. First, some people perform one-on-one ministry, while some do mass ministries. I prefer the one-on-one to the mass ministries, for a number of reasons.  I believe that people should go through deep repentance before trying to get delivered, which is easier if working with a minster one-on-one. However, in both mass ministries and one-on-one ministries, it’s difficult to completely repent in an one-hour time slot.
  2. You should go through both a general and a specific repentance of sins. This way you can ask forgiveness for everything before the deliverance begins.
  3. Prepare yourself for the long haul.  Sometimes deliverance doesn’t happen the first time. Sometimes it takes many deliverance’s.  Sometimes it involves learning how to fight, and self-deliver yourself.

Which is why we offer deliverance coaching. You can sign up for coaching at Biggerfaither@gmail.com.

We believe that you should come into your deliverance ministry fully prepared and fully aware of what to expect.  We also believe that you should be using and wearing the full armor of God and wielding the sword of the spirit to take on the enemy, so that if they come back you are fully prepared to handle them.

Online Deliverance Ministries

Online Deliverance Ministries

Wichita Deliverance Ministries

Online Deliverance Ministries


Overland Park Deliverance Ministries


Kansas City Deliverance Ministries


Olathe Deliverance Ministries