There are quite a few deliverance ministries to choose from in Maryland. We tried our best to put together an exhaustive list so that you can choose the right one for yourself.

While vetting these different ministries there are some questions you might want to ask.

  1. First ask how often they do deliverance ministry. Ask how many deliverances they have done successfully.
  2. Is there anything you need to do such as fasting, prayer or repentance before deliverance session?
  3. How does one help in the deliverance process, ask them what exactly they need you to do.
  4. Ask them what needs to be done to be freed from all demons and how to keep your deliverance.

Often times deliverance takes time.  The Jews were not given all of their land at once, Father God wanted to give them their land slowly but surely so that they would learn to fight and conquer their land. In some cases that is exactly what he is doing for us.

We offer deliverance coaching here at You can reach us at

Our hope is that we can strengthen you through the armor of God and the Sword of the Spirit.

If trained in these things the enemy will have a hard time attacking you or holding it’s ground.  It is important to pursue our enemy and to crush them.  Jesus has given us all of the tools we need to be victorious. All we need to do is train and use them.

“We glorify in our sufferings because we know suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope, and this hope will not be put to shame.” Romans 5:3-5

“Endure hardness as a good soldier of God knowing that he that warreth does not entangle himself with the things of his life, but chooses to please the one who chose him.”

“We are not of those that fall back into perdition but go forward in faith to the saving of the soul. ”

Make war with your enemies and trust Jesus to overcome them by the word and by the strength of his might.

Online Deliverance Ministries

Online Deliverance Ministries

Damascus Deliverance Ministries

Online Deliverance Ministries

Rockland Deliverance Ministries

Germantown Deliverance Ministries

Chestertown Deliverance Ministries

West Minister Deliverance

Rockville Deliverance Ministries