New Hampshire is a smaller state, we did our best to scour the web but we were only able to find one deliverance ministry.

You have a few choices:

  1. You can use this deliverance ministry.
  2. You can go out of state.
  3. You can choose online deliverance which has worked for me very well.
  4. Or you can learn to self deliver yourself.

We always promote self deliverance if possible.  The enemy will keep fighting and will sometimes come back unless you have learned to fight as a christian.  This means you know exactly how to use the armor of God and that you have scripture memorized so that you can  wield the sword of the Spirit.

This is spiritual ware fare after all and you are to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  A lot of times Jesus uses deliverance to teach us how to fight.

We can help with that here at We offer online coaching for moral support and tools to strengthen  you both offensively and defensively. Please email us at

Once you have found the deliverance ministry you feel comfortable with make sure you vet the ministry before starting.  Deliverance should really just be someone praying  over you.  Holy spirit and the might of Jesus Christ’s name are what will deliver you.  The minister is only the instrument used by God.  Ask the minister prior to the deliverance if there is anything you should do to help in the process.  Do they require fasting, prayer, or both.

Sometime the ministers want to do group ministry, I recommend against this.  Find someone that will do one on one deliverance.  It might be more expensive but it is worth it.

Hopefully you will be fully delivered the first time.  Many times it’s going to take multiple sessions as well as self deliverance to fully kick the demons out and to keep them out.  The stronger you get in the armor of god, and the sword of the spirit, the greater chance that you can run the enemy out and keep your ground that you’ve gained back.

Don’t despair! Father God did not give the Israelites their land all at once. Instead he let them take it slowly but surely so that they could learn to fight.  I believe he wants the very same thing from many of us that are delivered.

God Bless and we hope we can help you to grow and be strengthened in your walk as a christian.

Online Deliverance Ministries

Online Deliverance Ministries

If you want to add or report a ministry email us at