New York is an interesting state. It’s a huge city but we found very few deliverance Ministries.

You can do a few things:

  1.  Use one of these  ministries in our list.
  2. Go out of State for your deliverance.
  3. Use online deliverances. Surprisingly this works very well. I have had online deliverance and it helped me so so much.
  4. You can and should practice self deliverance.  We can help you with this, we offer coaching to help you take your land back and keep it.  Just email us at for help.

As christians we are in a war zone.  It is not uncommon for someone baptized in the Holy Spirit to experience warfare.  During this time it’s so important that you learn to use all your weapons and your armor.  You must grow both offensively and defensively in order to best our opponents and keep any deliverance we obtain.

What should we expect?

Deliverance is a miracle ministry.  It’s by Jesus’ name and by the power of Holy Spirit that the enemy is ran out.  You may want to fast before the deliverance, you may need to pray, deep repentance, and hopefully your deliverance will go perfect.

If the enemy isn’t coming out it’s often because they might have a legal right, or Father God has a better plan for you.  I know being attacked by the enemy can be excruciating. That’s why using the armor and the sword of the spirit is so important.  Put on your armor, wield your sword and you will see a difference.  Jesus is always with us, and if father God is with us who can be against us.

Sometimes people are on the verge of despairing, giving up hope.  Don’t EVER do this.  Always trust in Jesus, put your faith in him and he will defend you.

Jesus says he who believes in me will have eternal life. All you need to do is fight as hard as you can, become a victorious christian and hold onto Jesus.  He never lets us down.  During Deliverance we learn combat, suffering, faith in Jesus, and humility and perseverance.

The Bible says we Glorify in our suffering because suffering produces endurance, endurance, character, character hope, and hope will not be putto shame.

We already have a covenant that has made us righteous and saved.  All we need to do is fight with Jesus to take our land back and to remember our covenant.

Online Deliverance Ministries

Online Deliverance Ministries

If you want to add or report a ministry email us at