Surprisingly South Carolina did not have as many ministries as we would of that it would have.  That being said there are many options to anyone who is looking to get delivered.

  1. Step one find a minister that works for you.  This can be an online deliverance ministry, one of the ministries from this list, or can be a ministry that is in another state.  What’s important is that you feel comfortable with your choice and that you are prepared for your deliverance.
  2. Deliverance ministers are very busy people.  Deliverance is a highly needed skill set in our church.  It is not something people like to think about. It is however how Jesus healed a great majority in his ministry, which was by casting out evil spirits.  So since the minister is so busy you are going to want to be as prepared as possible.
  3. Write down a list of all your sins, starting with specific and then going broad.  The hope is that you will be able to cover as many sins as possible in your prayer. This could possibly take away the legal rights of the enemy if there were any, and make it easy to set you free.
  4. After you go to your deliverance you may have been set free or you may not have.  If you did not get delivered do not be dismayed.  It is not uncommon to not get delivered or to only get delivered part way.  This is something that happens in many deliverances.  Sometimes it takes time for Father God to give back our land.  I believe that he wants many of us to be trained to fight the enemy so that we can teach others and destroy the working of the enemy.
  5. You should talk to the minister and ask him about the outcomes he expects and what you should do to keep your deliverance.

We here at offer Deliverance Coaching, just email us at

Online Deliverance Ministries

Online Deliverance Ministries

Columbia Deliverance

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