Television Producer Career

With entire production companies and networks dedicated to Christianity and other denominations, there have been plenty of television shows and made-for-TV movies centered on Christian ethics and morals. Whether it’s a TV series, like ‘Touched by an Angel’ or ‘7th Heaven,’ or a syndicated television program associated with the Christian Broadcasting Network, there are plenty of faith-based media networks, televangelists, and religious-minded scriptwriters that hire TV producers who wish to incorporate their faith into their creative projects.

Job Activities & Responsibilities

In an effort to entertain, inform or educate an audience, television producers are responsible for the creation of TV shows that bring a writer’s script or character’s dialogue to life. Producers oversee the making of a television program, and depending on his or her skill set and experience, could have minimal responsibilities or a great deal of influence in the direction of a show. Executive producers have the greatest amount of authority, and can play a role in guiding story lines, auditioning actors, and assessing the budget. A line producer is more invested in finding sites for filming scenes and making sure workers keep to a schedule.

The average day-to-day responsibilities that a television producer generally undertakes include:

• Choosing, recommending and discussing scripts or topics for a TV show
• Overseeing and hiring stage crew
• Approving the final design of a production set
• Managing the production process, from lighting to choreography to editing
• Promoting a TV show in advertisements and interviews
• Collaborating with other producers and writers, in regards to larger productions


The majority of TV producers hold a bachelor’s degree, oftentimes taking classes in film, cinema studies, screenwriting, editing, cinematography, pop culture, and the history of television. While most producers pursue a degree in film and TV production, directing, communications, writing, acting or journalism, it is not uncommon for aspiring TV producers to have majored in business and management. Those with a background or completed coursework in theology or divinity are better prepared to accept a position with a faith-based production.

Career Salary & Job Outlook

In 2017, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) cited the median annual salary for producers and directors was $71,620, with pay reaching as high as over $164,290 for the most successful professionals (representing the top 10 percent). As for the television industry, producers earned a median salary of $59,520. Hit TV shows also allow producers to enjoy additional perks and incentives that supplement their income, such as earning revenue from hitting viewership goals or winning awards.

A strong demand for television shows (especially those centered on faith values and religious beliefs) has led to a projected 12% growth in jobs from 2016 to 2026. This includes the 16,500 new job openings anticipated to surface for producers and directors during this time period. Those who are experienced in online-only platforms are especially expected to see the greatest need for their services, as more viewers are now shifting from cable TV to streaming services.