Welcome to our Washing ton Deliverance ministry web page.  Washington has a good selection of ministries that are available to you from Sozo to 1 on 1 ministry.  FYI this list is not all of the ministries out there.  In our research this is what we found. It’s not exhaustible, nor is it vetted.  We suggest that you do more research by yourself before choosing the ministry that is right for you.

Steps to Deliverance in Washington

  1. The first thing you should do is search for the best ministry for you.  Then vet them, ask them any and all questions you can think of asking and then when you are comfortable go in for deliverance.
  2. A lot of deliverance ministry is not all that exciting.  Sometimes the prayer is said over the person and either the spirit will lift off or it doesn’t.   Sometimes there is a big display or manifestation. But it doesn’t need to be like that at all.
  3. Ask the minister if you should do anything before the day.  Some people will say fast and pray 3-4 days before coming in.  Others might want you to have a complete list of all of your sins.
  4. Once you’ve gone through your deliverance, either you will be delivered or you won’t be.   If you aren’t don’t be dismayed, it’s not uncommon people aren’t delivered right away.  If you did get delivered then praise Jesus!
  5. If you didn’t get delivered all the way it could be that God has a different path for you.  It is really in his hands how or if he wants to deliver you.  It will all happen in his time.

We offer deliverance coaching through biggerfaith.org.  Email us at biggerfaither@gmail.com to schedule an appointment for coaching.

Online Deliverance Ministries

Online Deliverance Ministries

Tacoma Deliverance Ministries

Online Deliverance Ministries


Seattle Deliverance Ministries


If you would like to add a ministry or report one please email us at Biggerfaither@gmail.com.